Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First Place!!

So last Sunday Apple ran at the race and pet co.
And I'm happy to announce that happle got....
-drumb roll- ( I threw the last two pictures in because they're cute <3)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hamster Race Tomorrow 8)

So today basically I cleaned Apples house and decided to let her run around in her ball to get some practice for tomorrow.
She's a beast.
Anyway at pet co tomorrow they're having hamster races and she's hoping to bring home the grand prize.
I hope all goes well and her hopes aren't crushed. =( She needs a nice little trophy thing to hang outside her cage.
She's been training hard on her wheel though running everrryy night for ever so I'm confident she'll do well. <3
More tomorrow. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Yesterday I noticed my little chewing fiend chewed a hole in the top of her cage....threw the wires o.e I put something on top for now.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tried to pick Apple up today. She's way to hyper to hold :( I guess I'll have to live without holding her for now

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Treat Time!

So lately I've been giving apple Cheese Treats and a wooden chews shaped like carrots I couldn't find an exact pic so no linky)
Everytime I give her one she picks it up. Tilts her head back like she's looking at the roof of her cage and runs around her cage (without looking) with it in her mouth. Till she finds the perfect spot to start chewing it.
It makes me laugh.
She's so funny <3
I'd take a video but my black berry is gay and wont let me.
So boo.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Clean tank :)

It's been awhile!

I cleaned Apples tank smelled like poop. Gave it the full scrub down and everything while she ran around my house in her little hamster ball going on her adventures.

I tried to put the wheel down nice and tight so it can also spin..she kept flipping it before. But now I think I have the solution.

Apple also has a litter box. I've been trying so hard to get her to pee in it. And sometimes she does. But not on purpose. I put it in her pee spot and she likes to pee on the wall but sometimes she doesn't go high enough and gets it in the litter box. So yeah.

I also have an air freshener next to her cage. It's pretty much out, I need a new one =o

But yeah that's all for now. She's asleep so not much to report.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cutest thing

Shortest blog ever but Apple just did the cutest thing!
She was digging in her bedding and found a piece of corn and just stuffed it in her cheek and ran off. It was right in front of the glass so I saw it all. Major cuteness!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Her insane Chewing

Not much to report today. I woke up at 7pm to her running on her squeeky wheel.
Now it's 12 am and she's chewing! I took pictures
Her getting on top of the wheel and starting to chew
 Her falling of the wheel still chewing
 The damage done

Since I started taking pics and she didn't like that she's continued running on her wheel lol

10mins later since I've stopped taking pictures she's thinking about getting on top her wheel and trying to digg out the corners..which of course wont work because of course it's a glass tank.

10mins after that..she's back at chewing.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Brief History and Day 1

So Apple the hamster was purchased on October 12th 2010. She lives in a 10 gallon tank. Loves to climb and chew the tank.(a habit which I can't stop, believe me I've tried.)
She also has an obsession with cheese treats and sometimes uses her litter box. She likes to pee up the wall of her tank leaving me a big mess to clean up.

Day 1: Apple woke up early in the morning around 9ish and started eating and running on her wheel. I went to bed and when I woke up she was asleep. About an hour later she woke up and started running again not before getting a drink of water.
She also did a little bit of climbing on top of her wheel and started chewing on the plastic part of the tank, she did this for about 20mins falling off continuously landing in her soft bed.
Currently it's 6:58 and she's asleep on her wheel. It's very cute. I'd take a pic but if I move to close to the cage she'll wake up and I want her to sleep.